Sunday 1 February 2015

And so to bread..

I have been bleating on about not being able to make bread for years now.  I've tried and mostly failed many times in the past and I finally understand why.

Bread takes time.  Bread needs time.  Time to relax after a pummelling,
time to rest ...

Time to grow...

Time to burgeon..

Add a little diversity and flavour..

So, I am taking a leaf out of Bread's book and am going to while away a few hours on this cold, wet and blustery Sunday with some crafty projects, happy knowing that I can bake bread ... like any living thing, it needs time, love, attention and patience.

Toasted teacake anyone?

I don't mind if I do.

1 comment:

  1. That looks yummy! Well done. I'm afraid it's not my forte either!


Thanks - I love to read your comments x