Sunday 17 October 2010

Wartime Weekend - the professional view

Really too tired and feverish to post much but wanted to share this link with you for some amazing photos of the weekend taken by a proper photographer.  He took some photos of the 'girls' behind Madge's Whistle Stop Cafe - not sure if they are on the blogpsot yet as I haven't checked...

Anne and I worked alone today - almost as busy as yesterday and we were too tired to even converse in complete sentences by 6pm tonight having cleared up and put the shop back to some semblance of order.

We'd served up another load of cakes, washed up soooo many vintage china tea cups, saucers and plates, used 250 napkins and consumed one bottle of sherry!

Fortunately, we didn't need to have our papers checked by the Home Guard! (yep, same dirty windows - note to self and sis  - clean windows next year!)

The sun shone again, the air was crisp with the tang of Autumn and the visitors continued to parade in honour of those who lost their lives on the railway and in battle during the 2nd World War.

Hope you've all had a lovely weekend.


  1. Great photos! My feet are numb, but we did our bit for the war effort!You have also reawakened my love affair with sherry.Thanks for all your help in the big swap over when all I really wanted to do was sit on the sofa with aforementioned sherry.Will put my photos on tomorrow.Night xx

  2. Jules check out the wartime blogspot.We are on and there is a fab picture of Jenny.

  3. Fabulous ! That buffet looked wonderful - LOVED the pictures!



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