Sunday, 5 September 2010

Time is flying by ..

and the energy levels seem to be waning along with the Summer weather.  This week has been a real mixture of scudding clouds, sunny spells, gale force winds and very variable temperatures.  I'm not quite ready to put my lighter clothes away but must confess to a slight delight at the prospect of opaque tights, boots and black clothes - instant slimming without the deprivation!

My crafting fervour has been a little dull of late too but I did manage to finish my scraps cushion made out of the odds and ends from the blanket that weren't long enough for a complete row 

I finished it off with an old jumper of my son's, five little buttons and blanket stitch all around the edges.

and the blanket is coming along nicely - not long now and I think I can start doing the edge.  This is it doubled over - am really happy with the mix of colours and it's so relaxing to do in the evening -and it keeps my feet warm on these progressively chilly evenings!

Well, the work 'Every Body Counts' campaign starts tomorrow - we have to register each day for 30 minutes of 'exercise' - fortunately, gardening is included so that will probably be my contribution to the team effort but I'd better stock up on naughty stuff tonight as I plan to be eating healthy for the next two months (not sure how that is going to fit with a trip to the States later this month but don't they say, it's the thought that counts?) No?  


  1. Oooh me likey!
    Well done hun....lovely colours
    Karen x x x

  2. Jules you're balnket loves fab!! Good work :-)

    Emma x

  3. Love the cushion, that's true thriftiness. Have to agree about the opaque tights and boots. Don't want to say cheerio to the summer, but I do love Autumn clothes.

  4. I love the colours on your blanket - struggling to choose the right ones for mine. I also love the colours on the lovely little round cushion behind it. Up to today, still able to wear my Birkies but it`s all downhill weatherwise next week, allegedly:(


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