Saturday 3 July 2010

Blousy beautiful plentifulness...

I've been feeling a little bit down in the dumps lately - not sure if it's just the pressure of work or the sometimes overwhelming feelings of loneliness but I don't like it one little bit.  I've been a singleton for quite a few years now and mostly I think I am quite happy - no one to answer to, no one to interrupt my manic doings, whether they be garden, house or craft-esque doings but every now and then I realise that I am really quite lonely and have been slipping into invisible can't be bothered-ness.

I've been letting myself go somewhat and even the garden was getting a bit out of control.  When my eldest came home a few weeks ago he said 'the garden's looking good, Mum but there's rather a lot going on'.  A sharp intake of breath and eyebrows raised in shock and horror at this criticism was followed by a more critical and slightly removed eye.

As I sat in the garden with my wool, scissors and hook stashed in this lovely little pansy bag I bought at the car boot sale last weekend for a mere £1, finishing off my patchwork blanket I took stock.....

This baby has been occupying my restless hands most evenings lately - it's 100% acrylic, which I never usually work with but this Cygnet Silcaress is really lovely to work with and holds it's shape quite nicely.  I just did a random pattern of treble crochets using Tif's method of joining as you go which was really great - hardly any ends to sew in at the end.

I finished top and bottom with a row of double crochet - one in each colour used.  I'm quite pleased with the result and it's so cheerful it just has to raise my spirits!

Ben was right - I had crammed so much into the borders that much of it was getting lost in the over abundance of cottage-gardenness!

So, in an effort to redress the balance and try and drag myself out of the doldrums I took action.  I had a bath, I scrubbed, I buffed, I polished, I cleansed and moisturised, died my hair (it's turned out way, way darker than intended or as displayed on the box but Will said he likes it and coming from him, that's pretty huge praise!) and I did my nails.  Did I feel better?  After three attempts to get my nail polish on properly I decided that maybe the natural look would be enough for now.  No, no miracle cure post bath so....

Next, the garden.... much snipping, uprooting and re-arranging later plus a few buckets of sweat and dirt and I am happier with it now.  I had to marvel at the sheer over-the-top-ness of the poppies that have taken up residence in my veg patch - just look at these:

and a busy little bee at work

and these brighten up my morning tea and toast without fail - eye popping or what?

And some of the more dainty sisters of the garden ... white mallow and my favourite - astrantia...  so delicate and lovely....

Doldrums or not, I cannot help but marvel at the wonderfulness of nature.

Back to the plentifulness of yesterday....  I bought these books in Whitby but having taken a few moments to browse through them from the comfort of my Adirondak chair I find I'm not overly impressed but they have given me a few ideas...

in particular the cardy make-over idea

and the Irish Floral quilt

I'm drawn to the calmness of this quilt called Ethel - reminds me of Delft pottery but I don't know if I have the patience to have a go at this...

My Lucy's collection has finally arrived so I have more supplies to go at but I keep promising myself I'll do some sewing - the problem is I just can't take the sewing machine into the garden - crochet is just so much more portable.

Well, let's see what tomorrow brings - hopefully sunshine outside and in.



  1. Hi Jules, your garden and your crochet are beautiful. Over the last few weeks I have felt very lonely and down. I prefer solitude when when my head is muddled and I do find solace in crochet and sewing. I rise extra early to have some lone time. I have found comfort and support from the wonderful ladies in blogland (including yourself...thank you). As for your make-over....just be comfortable being you, natural is always best. Love and hugs to you.
    Deborah {Fondantkiss} x

  2. Hey Baby Sis. I think the photos are great - and the creativity you've got going is amazing. Love John.

  3. Hi Jules, I've only become a very recent reader of your blog and I am enjoying it very much.

    The flowers from your garden are stunning and your crochet is beautiful too.

    Keep your chin up :-)


  4. I love that blanket, the stripy edging is gorgeous :)


Thanks - I love to read your comments x