Monday, 3 January 2011

2011 ...

Whoosh, in the blink of an eye another year over.  Sorry I'm a little late in wishing you all a very Happy New Year but in deference to my advancing years I have not made any resolutions but have made a couple of small promises to myself.  One of them is to take life at a slower pace so instead of tackling the ironing pile I am spending the last day of my holiday in my pjs doing things as and when the mood takes me.

Christmas was quiet since my 'boys' were at their dad's but very nice all the same.  My Christmas was made by my youngest nephew on Christmas Eve returning from the pub and trying to conduct a coherent conversation in a language that only Harry can understand - he's a wonderfully entertaining drunk - a happy chap in sobriety but hysterical in his cups.  We spent a lazy day eating and drinking and watching crappy tv - much like most of the nation I suspect.  I had some lovely presents but more on that in another post.

The week between then and now has been a bit of a revolving door of returning sons and their loved ones - the house shrinking with each new arrival but that's what I had been waiting for - my sons all home together - a rarity these days and a house full of young and exuberant company.  I spent New Year's Eve with my middle son and his friends which was very entertaining but once they had headed into town to see the New Year in round the roundabout (a local tradition) I watched a little bit of Hootananny and then headed for bed, missing all the post night out entertainment but grateful of the sleep.

The house is quiet again, Michael the only visitor left to go back (tomorrow, sniff, sniff) but I must say I am glad to be getting 'back to normal' and even feel I am ready to go back to work even though I haven't done as much creative stuff as I'd hoped this holiday.

The tree in all it's glory on Christmas Day is now bare below and will not be with us many more days.  More's the pity - I do hate to lose the prettiness of the lights but can't risk any bad luck so it will have to come down on Twelfth night :(

The fridge has gone from bulging to bare, my figure quite the opposite.  Another small promise I made to myself for this coming year was to try not to buy any more clothes - barring underwear and socks.  I have three chests of drawers and a wardrobe full of clothes, more than half of which I don't wear as they either don't fit or don't go with anything that does fit (not to mention the boxes of clothes under the bed and in Will's wardrobe) so in order to keep that promise I will inevitably have to reduce my size.  Quite how I am going to achieve that I haven't yet decided but more movement will have to play its part, along with less wine and cake :( I don't know where I'll find the will to go on but it must be done!  Oh, I know, I'll spend less money on food and more on wool.  Yes, that should work.

Before I go and make another cup of tea I want to show you the blanket I made for Michael.  It was a mix of different knitting and crochet stitches and shapes and sizes and I am thrilled that he liked it as much as he did. I may have to make one for myself!

 He has been snuggled up under it for most of the Christmas so I am very happy.

I didn't manage to finish Ben's blanket before he and Liz headed back but it's nearly there so I'll have to send it to him - would love to see the look on his face as he doesn't really 'get' the whole crochet/knitting thing but I bet I can win him round.

Wishing you all a peaceful, happy and relaxed 2011.  It may threaten to be trying but I am depending on the escapism of wool and fabric to ease whatever pain comes my way - I hope it will do the same for you.



  1. Hi Jules! Happy New Year! I've really enjoyed reading about your Christmas! Absolutely love Michaels's a work of art! Like you, I've decided it's time to lose some weight, not least so I can fit in my clothes. I've always been around 9and a half stone and lately I've crept up to 11 st 10! Yikes! Here's hoping we succeed in a bit of weight loss soon. Let me know how you get on. Lots of love, Amanda xxxx

  2. Hiya - Love the blanket - and the photo of your sofa with all those gorgeous cushions!
    Glad you had a lovely New year - all the best for 2011

  3. Happy new year Jules! All the best for 2011. I love the blanket. xx

  4. Happy New Year to you Jules. Your house sounds like mine and I have a sofa similar to yours which was also occupied by a similar shape, minus the beautiful blanket,boo hoo! It always takes me a couple of days to work round the emptiness of the house but then I begin to like it again! Tesco and Sainsbury`s are doing Special K on offer at the moment - that`s how I`m kick-starting my weight loss plan....after I finish the box of shortbread my Mum gave me at`s just so more-ish!Great to hear from you again.

  5. Happy 2011 to you.

    I to am going to try and loose a few pounds to open up my wardrobe options. Its eco, and healthy at the same time.

    Love the blanket, looks so cosy.


Thanks - I love to read your comments x